Thursday, July 26, 2007

mmm.... Britney like ketchup.

Ms. Spears fine-dinin' yesterday afternoon. She's saving it for later, ya'll.


scamorama said...

I like the details she's been adding (The "In-Your-Face" butt shots can only go so far).

The headband and the single pearl are nice, but the best has to be the "looks like a cold sore" on her mouth.


stevobar said...

She likes her baby back,baby back, baby back ribs...and I predict that if this keeps up, K Fed will get the babies back too...

Shovelhead said...

I guess she didn't take one of those $6,000 gowns from the OK Magazine photo shoot along to wipe her mouth on.

Want to bet her cupboad at home is filled with Jack In The Box ketchup squeeze packs?

Yet another blamk is filled in for her rapid ascention to Queen of the White Trash Hall of Fame.

Unknown said...

Could she BE hotter?

Theresa said...

What a disgusting pig she is!