Thursday, July 26, 2007

Lindsay, pre-2nd DUI

See, celebrities aren't all perfect-looking all the time! Well, I guess that her mugshot showed us that already... but I couldn't resist posting this one. Click on the picture for extra-large version.


Seumas said...

I don't know anyone who thought she looked good in her recent mugshot, except the people on Fox News in the morning. They've gone so far as to say she looks "extremely good" in her mugshot two days in a row.

Also, why is she in rehab again? How do you drive under the influence twice, have cocaine on you and intimidate someone chasing them through the streets... and not be stuck in jail until your hearing ?!

The only thing that pisses me off more right now is that Michael Vick is looking at a *max* of six years for all of his horrific crimes. Six measly god damned years?!

stevobar said...

Seumas - Why are you paying any attention to FOX NEWS???? You disappoint me, my friend...The evil jackofficers on that channel should all just eat shit and die...

Now that I've got that off my chest, I too am chagrined by the easy treament afforded Ms Lohan - she should have her ass thrown in the LA County jail until further for Michael Vick, he should be forced to share a cell with 12 hungry and angry pit bulls...11 males and 1 female in heat .....

Shovelhead said...

No female pop celeb should EVER travel in public whatsoever without their make-up attendant.

Not just a splotchy face - but what appears to be an entire Maginot Line of cold sores or herpes pustules surrounding her mouth. Ick!

Seumas said...

I keep both Fox and CNN on simultaneously on both TVs in my home office all day long. It's great to be able to compare news stories and watch the drastic bias on many Fox news stories (er... editorials).

Believe it or not, being aware of how the news is actively being shaped in real time is pretty enlightening and interesting. Not to mention, it's weird to note that while Fox News spends hours per day reporting every missing or potentially missing white girl on earth, CNN is... you know.. what is that thing? -- oh, right. Reporting NEWS. (Except when Glenn Beck, Nancy Grace or Lou Dobbs is on).

stevobar said...

Seumas - Glad to hear that unlike Fox Noise, YOU are fair and have regained my respect, sir. As for myself, I work at home too, and keep MSNBC on all day ,except when The Maury Show is on....that's a "don't miss"

Iggy said...

oh, and I feel kinda stupid for adding this, but don't go to that link I just posted if the boss or the kiddies is around, it's pretty raunchy (it is a singing pussy after all)

stevobar said...

Holy Christ,'s gonna take at least a whole box of wine tonite to get that image out of my head...LET THIS SERVE AS A WARNING - DO NOT LOOK AT LINDSAY"S SINGING PUSSY....

jeez, that's enough to make me turn to GayBob for solace....