The day is here... Screech's porn is up and ready for watching. Now, to be honest, I haven't seen it... I don't have the media player it requires and I'm afraid that all get all kinds of porny viruses if I download it. So, if you are brave, you can check it out here. Best of luck. I hear it's the most horrible thing ever.
I saw a couple minutes of it a few weeks ago through some sources and . . . . I would encourage everyone to avoid it at all costs. You may need extensive psychotherapy to ever sleep peacefully again.
If you must, here are some stills from it here, though it doesn't seem like something I'd ever watch. Also, Screech looks like a homeless person now. Me, I'd suggest a visit here instead. Cause there ain't no pics of Screech at all. I'm just sayin'.
Who's webster doing porn?
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