In case you need some refreshing, this is what Lisa Whelchel used to look like, when she played Blair Warner on Facts of Life. Oh boy. Looks like she raided Britney Spears shitty hair extension collection.
BTW, this is a real picture, no photoshop.
wtf is up with her cheekbones?
Wait, this is her from BACK THEN? This isn't a current photo?! (Or was the description just worded wrong?).
That is pretty freaky. I barely remember the show, except for the chick that was all tough and stuff -- and the pampered prissy blonde (that is who she is, right?)... and Tutti. Damn, Tutti turned out pretty good. She was on an episode of Blind Date awhile back.
She looks like one of the Oregonian
s 'faces of meth'
Please to be scrolling down to the truly horrific Cat Woman. Unless meth wasted, this face did not naturally evolve to this state - looks like more really bad plastic surgery at work here. Uck!
Looks like someone's been taking plastic surgery tips from Michael Jackson.
seumas (et al.)-
The word "this" in "this is what she used to look like" is a hyperlink.
Blair was never the good looking one. Blairs cousin was the hot one.
The wily femullet caught on camera!
Nancy Mckeon was the tough chick (Jo)....And I always thought she was way cooler than Blair. Now I know it!
Remember kids...
You take the good, you take the bad you take them both and there you have the Fact's of Life, The Facts of Life...
I remembered it as.......
You take the black, you take the white, you take the fat , and there you got the Fact's of Life, The Facts of Life...
Eeesh... I touched her 20 years ago, does that special kind of skank rub off? I will wash again as a precaution.
No wonder she hasn't accomplished much in her life. If you check her out on IMDB, she has done in the 20 years since Facts of Life is a "Where The Red Fern Grows" in 1992 and a Facts of Life Reunion in 2001.
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