Monday, October 30, 2006

Suzanne Somers: Ageless?

Um... no. I think that if you click on this picture you can see the horrible, super extra large picture of this self-described "ageless" beauty. I, like many other girls my age, was a huge fan on Step-By-Step, and those days for Suzanne are LOOONNG gone - she's wrinkle-icious. I know, that's not a word, but it's the only thing that comes to mind when I look at her.

She doesn't look so bad with the picture being small, so if you'd like to not taint the image in your mind of her physical appearance don't enlarge the photo. Mmmm leathery face.


Anonymous said...

Geez, if you bounce a quarter off that face the ricochet could kill you!

Anonymous said...

Being male and of sound groin, I'd still hit it.

Anonymous said...

Fer crissakes - give it up and give it a rest! Sommers is now just another pathetic, aging, ego-maniac who can't accept a calendar. Why not spend the plastic-surgery money to feed a few thousand Ethopians? Then, go off somewhere and just die.

Anonymous said...

Just because you don't look like the Golden Girls does not mean you don't look aged. If you're 40 or 50 or 60, you look 40 or 50 or 60. You just may still be trying to dress up and put yourself together as if you were 20, so you come out looking less like an old person and more like just a really fugly "older" person.

Or whatever.

gay bob said...

Maybe one of you straght guys can fuck her wrinkles!

Anonymous said...

I think she looks great, isn't she like 90?

Anonymous said...

You know, she looks very well embalmed to me.

Anonymous said...

Gold lamme, "crimped" hair and blue eyeliner? No wonder she doesn't think she's aged. . . she still thinks its 1987!

Anonymous said...

Can someone please assasinate her with that thighmaster machine?

Anonymous said...

Do you think Mr. Roeper raped her?

Sorry just thinking outloud again.